My dentures don’t fit the same anymore!
If your dentures no longer fit as well as they once did, you may need to have a procedure done to refit the base of the denture, called a “reline.” This procedure will enable your dentures to have a tighter, better fit. If you're a denture wearer, and your dentures have begun to fit less comfortably than in the past, you may want to consider having them relined. Denture relining is a simple and affordable procedure that reshapes the underside of a denture to make it more comfortable as it rests against the tissue in your mouth. Denture relining is an effective method to tighten the fit of the denture. If you're experiencing any discomfort with your dentures, ask us about a possible reline. We’re here for you! We can assist with your denture reline regardless of whether you purchased them through us. Call today to schedule a free consultation.
![]() This holiday Berlanga Dentures wanted to find a way to say, “Thank You,” to all the dentists and oral surgeons who have referred patients to us throughout the year. We appreciate the business and referrals, because together we can help those who need our services and want to feel confident in their health care. At Berlanga Dentures we know that the dentists and oral surgeons in the South Sound have other options when it comes to referrals for their patients, but we appreciate that they recognize our exceptional customer service, attention to detail, and our willingness to find the best solution for our patients. Here at Parkland Denture Center, Puget Sound Dentures, and Meridian Denture Center, we try to go above and beyond just providing dentures to our patients. We want to be part of the entire process, so we can help you get back to your happy and confident smile. When we work hand-in-hand with you and your dentist or oral surgeon, we are able to provide a comprehensive service that is second to none in the South Puget Sound area. As we move into 2019, we send a special thanks to everyone who helped make 2018 one of our best years ever! The best way to make the healthiest transition from natural teeth to dentures is to take good care of your mouth throughout your lifetime and see a dentist regularly. If you are currently experiencing any symptoms, schedule a consultation with us to see if dentures are a good option for you. We can help guide you through the entire experience. We will be sensitive to your individual situation, without judgement, and help you navigate all your options.
Dentures are not what they used to be thirty or more years ago, things have changed quite a bit and dentures today are almost indistinguishable from natural teeth if fitted properly and worn correctly. A lot of this is due to the evolution of dentistry and dental treatments, and the quality of modern dentures is improving all the time. There are many different reasons why a person might need replacement teeth. If a person takes exceptionally good care of their teeth, careful brushing and flossing, eating a healthy diet, and attending regular dental check-ups and appointments, there is every chance that their natural teeth will last them all their life. However, many do end up needing dentures. If you’re not sure whether you might be a good candidate for dentures, or partial dentures, come see us. We can help! For example, you may only require a partial denture, which is made to replace multiple missing teeth surrounded by healthy natural teeth. Partial Dentures are attached to your natural teeth with custom clasps, making them more natural looking. Immediate Dentures means you will never be “toothless,” we take impressions of your existing teeth before your extraction, and a removable custom denture is created so you have teeth immediately. Overdentures go over natural teeth to help support the bone and Dental Implants are screwed into your jawbone at the places where your teeth are missing or have been extracted, providing better stabilization and making them more convenient. Getting dentures can have multiple benefits besides replacing missing or decaying teeth, they can also prevent any remaining teeth from shifting in your mouth which could be causing you pain. Years of wear and tear may have caused your natural teeth to deteriorate. Replacing them with dentures can be a way to alleviate pain, eradicate persistent root infections, and help you to live an easier life as far as dental health goes. In addition to improving your oral health, you will also benefit from clearer speech, restored facial appearance, and a brighter smile! If you or a loved one feel you might be a good candidate for any type of denture, come see us at one of our convenient locations and let us help you determine the best type of denture for your situation and budget. First time consultations are always free and will provide you with the information you’ll need to make this important next step in your dental health. If you’ve noticed your dentures have changed or are not fitting as well, there could be several reasons why. Many things can contribute to a change in how your dentures fit, such as weight loss, weight gain, an illness, a new medication, or a significant change in your daily habits or diet.
If you’ve had your dentures for more than five years, it’s possible you need new dentures. Your gums and the bone underneath can change shape throughout your life, as a result, dentures that were made to fit your mouth several years ago may no longer fit comfortably. Frequently we see folks try to compensate for this by using more denture adhesive, not wearing their dentures at all, or they try to fix them by buying temporary liners or "fix" them by other methods. None of these things are a good idea. (See our blog on why “what to do if your dentures break.”) If you think your dentures no longer feel right, if they are moving in your mouth or even falling out, we recommend you contact us right away and come in for an evaluation. In most cases we may be able to reline your existing dentures for a better fit, or if that is not an option, recommend new dentures. Read more about relining here. If you currently wear dentures, you know that they don't really replace your missing teeth. If you have had your denture for five or more years, they most likely need a reline. When you have your natural teeth a bone in your jaw helps hold and support those teeth, and that same bone is used by your denture for support and suction. If your natural teeth have been removed, your body realizes that the bone is no longer necessary, and over time it will begin to recede. Over the years, as that bone is lost, the support for your denture diminishes. This means your denture has less and less support and no longer fits the way it did when new. One option is to put something back into the bone. For this we recommend a dental implant which will preserve your natural bone, so you don’t lose that support. It will also keep your face looking more youthful. The implant can also be used to support your denture, keeping it stable and stopping the movement and floating that can occur after several years of wearing regular dentures. Dental implants can be a great option for many patients. To learn more we recommend visiting a recent blog post by the Puyallup Oral Surgery Center. Here at Berlanga Dentures we can help provide all the options for you, and help you determine what’s best for your situation and budget. We can also assist even if you didn’t get your dentures from us originally. We recommend you contact us today, so we can set up an appointment to find the right solution for you. Denturism is defined as the practice of “Denturists” examining oral health, planning treatment, making artificial dentures including other removable oral appliances, and fitting them to their patients.
Equipped with solid technical training as a technician, and post-technician training in sciences, clinical skills and interpersonal skills, the Denturist can design, create, construct, and modify (repair and reline) an oral prosthesis to ensure optimal fit, maximum comfort, and general well-being. The Denturist performs dedicated procedures as both the clinician and dental technician. We are better equipped to control all aspects of the creation and design of the prosthesis, while enabling a cost saving to our patients. Our entire focus is the oral health of those individuals needing a dental prosthetic and the actual fabrication of that appliance. Did you know that “Denturism” is a recognized profession throughout the world and is currently utilized in many countries including Australia, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom and Canada? In the United States, however, denturism is only legislated and practiced in 7 states (Maine, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington). The National Denturist Association (NDA), helps to raise public awareness of the Denturist profession, and to address unjust legal restrictions within the profession. This injustice affects not only the professional Denturist but also those individuals who could greatly benefit from Denturist services. The goal of the NDA is to promote awareness of the professional, so that every citizen of the United States knows the benefits of the profession and is provided the opportunity to choose who their prosthetic dental provider will be. In 1994, the People of the State of Washington passed Initiative 607, allowing persons other than dentists to manufacture and sell dentures to the public. This new professional would be known as a Denturist. Joey Berlanga was one of the original 24 Denturists who helped to pass the initiative. Today, Denturists are recognized as an important part of the health profession in Washington. Thanks to those who helped pass the initiative, the public now has the right to choose an affordable alternative when it comes to denture care. A Denturist in the State of Washington is a licensed professional whose field of dentistry is dedicated solely to providing removable full and partial dentures directly to the public. A Denturist is a recognized health professional who constructs, inserts and adjusts removable dentures as well as over dentures on implants. A Denturist is trained not only in the construction of dentures but also educated in microbiology, physiology, oral pathology, head and neck anatomy and more. Furthermore, they passed a comprehensive practical exam on the fitting and making of dentures along with a thorough written examination conducted through the State of Washington Board of Denturists. Denturists are an important part of the community of dental care providers. When you seek the care of a Denturist you will find that as a patient you play an active role in the discussion of what you desire for your new dentures. Remember, you are in the hands of a professional who specializes only in the making of removable prosthodontics. Here at Berlanga Dentures we will involve you in the steps necessary to ensure your dentures fit properly and meet your full expectations for the rest of your life. The Washington Denturist Association (WDA) was formed to promote unity and to maintain standards of professional ethics among Denturists in our state. For more information on the WDA and Denturism throughout the world, may we suggest the following websites (see below). The Berlanga family would like to thank everyone responsible for the passing of Initiative 607 and for being able to provide the public with quality, affordable denture care. Remember, a Denturist is always the best choice for your denture needs! Washington Denturist Association National Denturist Association International Federation of Denturists If you go to your dentist and they explain that you are going to need dentures, did you realize you have options besides going through your dentist for those dentures? We recommend you do some research. If you have dental insurance it could cover up to 50% of the expense when going through your dentist, but the out of pocket expense could still be very high because the dentist is charging you double, sometimes triple, the actual cost of the dentures. This is because dentists don’t make your dentures. They either work with a denturist or denture lab. Regardless, there is a “middle man” between your dentist and the actual dentures. We are the actual “maker” of your dentures, which means coming to Berlanga Dentures cuts out all the “middleman” costs. It also means you have less issues, because we work with you and your dentist through the entire process. We recommend you call us to find out if we can work with your insurance company (or check here to see a list of our providers). Regardless, in the end, the cost will still be less than what you’d pay going through a dentist. Our prices are very reasonable, and we’ll work to find the right dentures for you and your budget. Denturists practice denturism, the practice of making, altering, repairing and relining removable dentures directly to their patients. We are not involved in the extraction, however. You will work with your dentist for that, but after your teeth have been removed, your denturist is involved in the denture process from start to finish. We encourage you to contact us at any of our three convenient locations located in the Puget Sound area (Tacoma, Parkland or Puyallup) to discuss all your options. We are a family-owned and operated business, and we strive to provide the best customer service for our clients. Make an appointment today to see why Berlanga Dentures should be your #1 choice for your dentures and denture care. Lucitone 199 is a type of acrylic resin used for the base of your dentures. The type of acrylic resin used for your dentures is important to consider, because you want your dentures to look and feel like your natural teeth. To do that things like, color stability, strength, durability and comfort, are all significant to a great set of dentures.
With over 40 years of clinical success, Lucitone 199 is the industry’s leading acrylic denture base chosen by top denturists, dentists, and dental laboratories nationwide. Lucitone 199 is the premium choice for both tissue and implant-supported full and partial dentures, and offers outstanding aesthetics, high impact resistance, and superb flexibility and strength. It resists breakage, and its balanced translucency and natural vein simulation delivers excellent results. Berlanga Dentures is proud to offer high-quality dentures to the residents of Tacoma and Puyallup, Washington, and the surrounding areas. Dentures fashioned in our laboratory are 100% handcrafted, ensuring that each denture we make is customized and unique, and fits the patient perfectly. With over 25 years of combined experience, Joey Berlanga Jr., D.P.D. and John Berlanga, D.P.D, can make a variety of dentures to your specifications. These services include: Full Dentures, Immediate Dentures, Partial Dentures, Implant Dentures and Custom Dentures Call today to schedule your appointment. How long does the process of getting your dentures take?
We hear these questions often. The truth is, getting your dentures is something that is unique to everyone. How long the process takes depends on the type of dentures you get, the fit, and in some cases, the health of your mouth. It also depends on whether this is your first pair of dentures, if it’s a full denture (or a partial), or a replacement denture. If this is your first set of dentures we will have you come in for a full consultation, take measurements and get impressions of your natural teeth. This way we can have your dentures ready as soon as your extractions are complete. Typically, dentures are fitted the same day as the extraction, but in some cases not until the tissues have healed. Each person’s situation is different. Can I get my dentures done in a day? Unfortunately, no. At Berlanga Dentures we pride ourselves on superior workmanship, if we rush your dentures the quality will suffer. Each denture we make is 100% handmade and crafted in our cutting-edge facilities. We prefer to craft dentures by hand because it allows us to fully control the quality of the dentures. Similarly, our chosen crafting method makes it easier for us to incorporate unique characteristics to each set of dentures. Talk to us about your specific situation and we will provide you all your options, walk you through each step, and assure you have a quality experience start to finish. We believe that everyone deserves to flash a brilliant smile, no matter how old or young they may be. Therefore, we are committed to providing some of the best dentures available at a price that is affordable to all our clients. Call Today to Learn More!
What to Avoid:
First, don’t panic. Although a broken denture can be frustrating and a bit disconcerting, keep in mind that it is a common occurrence. You are certainly not alone, according to the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, there will be around 37 ½ million people wearing full dentures by the year 2020.
If you’ve broken a denture, Berlanga Dentures is here to help. Our repairs are very reasonable, we take walk-in repairs, and we can fix your dentures even if you didn’t purchase them through us. What NOT to do When Your Dentures Break Often people will try to repair, or temporarily mend their dentures at home. This is not a good idea, as you will make it impossible for your denturist to repair them. Do Not: super glue, sand, or try to fix the denture with a file or tool. These interventions will damage the surface of the denture which makes it non-repairable. You will have to purchase new dentures. What to Do When Your Dentures Break Check to see exactly what has broken on your dentures. There are a few different ways your dentures can break: a piece of the pink acrylic might fall off, the denture could break in half, or a tooth can break, crack or fall out. Call Us! – If you’ve discovered you’ve broken your denture the first thing you need to do is call us (or stop into one of our three locations), explain the situation, and identify the portion of your denture that has broken. Beware of Denture Repair Kits You can sometimes find “denture repair kits” in your local drug store, which are intended for emergency repair, but we highly discourage this. Most of these kits include a bonding material, and some may also contain temporary replacement teeth. While they may claim to be able to fix cracks, they too could damage or alter the surface of your denture making it impossible to repair. Call or Come See Us Right Away! We will repair your dentures and make any adjustments needed to ensure that your teeth fit comfortably and are fully functional once again. Yes, we take Walk-in Repairs! How to Avoid Broken Dentures It is important for us to point out that prevention is a key part of avoiding repairs and replacements. Your dentures will last longer and stay damage-free if cared for correctly. Make sure you are keeping your dentures clean, brush them regularly, rinse well, and soak them overnight. (See our blog post on how to clean your dentures.) When brushing your dentures, fill the sink with water, so if you do drop them, they have a softer impact and are less likely to break. When was the last time you saw a highly qualified denturist? If it has been awhile since you’ve given your smile the attention it deserves, it may be time to make an appointment. Contact us soon to set up an appointment at one of our convenient locations in Tacoma, Puyallup or Parkland, WA. Our denturists are experts in their fields and can ensure that you have comfortable, well-functioning, and natural looking dentures that last a lifetime. |